Jason first connected with NCYH while the Minister at Stapleford Baptist Church. He has been involved for almost 10 years and is now the Minister at Grimsby Baptist Church.
JonJon has been involved with NCYH since 2021 and joined the team in 2023. Jon has been working with youth since he was 18, and has served on a Summer Camp in Indiana, USA from 2016 to 2019. Jon is the Assistant Pastor at Aspley Christ Church.
NathanNathan came to NCYH as a Camper and has stayed involved ever since! He works for various organisations in the arts and culture sector up in Leeds.
Lydia became a Christian as a camper at NCYH in 2015. She now supports the youth work at Aspley Christ Church and joined the NCYH team as Treasurer in 2021. Lydia works as a Diversity & Inclusion Advisor and an advocate for neurodiversity inclusion.